Orrin Hull

Slim, pale and scruffy . . . these are the words that most frequently come to mind when one describes Orrin Hull. Born in New Haven Connecticut and now in his late twenties, Orrin formerly studied electrical engineering at the University of Michigan but now commutes from his modest Connecticut home to New York.

A man all too consumed with his work (to the point of pathology) Orin is defined by his passion for tinkering with electronics, computers and software. Though undoubtedly skilled in his field, unlike some of his colleagues who seem graced with a natural talent for hardware design and programming, what Orrin lacks in gifts from his creator, he resolved from an early age to compensate for with grit, perseverance and, above all, staggering quantities of extra hours, hard work and late nights.

Orrin often tracks those long midnight hours on his Gold Quarter Repeater by Vacheron & Constantin, among his most treasured possessions (besides his at home personal computer), this fifth generation family heirloom is a magnificent timepiece of unmatched craftsmanship given to him by his father shortly before his father tragically passed away from mesothelioma (being killed by his own work) shortly after Orrin returned from college.

Orrin’s extraordinary commitment to his raison d’etre however, has not come without a price. This bachelor who lives alone often finds his few idle thoughts wandering back in time to what presents to his subconscious as a happier time . . . before Anne left.

Self aware that it was his own obsession with work that drove her away (always forgetting birthdays, anniversaries and the like) , in the years since, Orrin has resigned himself to the fact that he has indeed lost the love of his life - - before ever even having married.

At this tremendous cost, Orrin continues to find purpose in knowing that he has dedicated himself to a field (technology) that will certainly, probably someday soon, overcome all of the world’s problems. Notwithstanding this steadfast resolution . . . on nights of his deepest sleep, Orin still routinely wakes to the recollection of dreams of being with Anne in Gallup Park, that beloved park just outside his alma mater on beautiful early summer days . . . the place he and Anne once spent so much of their time together and the place Orrin most associates with his memory of their being together.

Tumult and tragedy aside, if there is one thing, above all else, that Orrin can always rely on finding solace in . . . even in his darkest moments . . . it is his passion for computer coding . . . a hobby, activity and useful activity that focuses his mind and is always sure to bring him peace . . . put simply . . . something Orrin can just not live without.


Hudson Lake


Lyle Hartwood