Lyle Hartwood

Lyle Hartwood is a man whose appearance leaves much to be desired these days.  Although strong-willed and fairly well educated (attending some classes after completing high-school in his hometown of Worcester Massachusetts) the defining experience of Lyle’s young adult life was his service in the Vietnam war.


Though drafted into service, Lyle was fortunate enough not to see active combat while deployed . . . at least none the U.S. Military will officially recognize.  That said, while stationed near Cam Rahn, a fire broke out in the camp one night that claimed the lives of several servicemen stationed with Lyle . . . though Lyle was fortunate enough to escape with his life . . . he suffered major burns on large areas of his body as the result of the episode.


The official narrative for the cause of the fire was “accidental fuel spill” (intended for use at the airstrip) but, Lyle has always had his doubts . . . and it almost goes without saying that the official military file regarding the fire remains “classified.”


A man of nervous and anxious disposition (qualities likely amplified by his wartime experience), this veteran who shirks conventional religious dogmas has never met a conspiracy theory he didn’t like.


Lyle has struggled to reengage with conventional society since returning from his deployment - - though he has managed to eke out a living traveling the east coast and dealing in rare books and unconventional art (often without having good title for the same) he has never managed to establish a permanent fixed residence since returning to U.S. soil and his relationship with his family is warm but distant.


A firm believer in the supernatural and frequent to declare that he has seen, first-hand, “interdimensional beings” he is always short of any solid proof for these encounters and those who have been privy to these conversations with him are quick to dismiss these stories as the wild delusions of a shell-shocked Vietnam vet.


Nevertheless, delusions or not, Lyle has studied the occult substantially and is fairly well versed in unusual and weird phenomena.  He is usually seen carrying a backpack of 1st edition or rare books which he considers to be of the highest value (if only he could find the right buyer).


Beyond this, if there is one thing Lyle loves above all else - - it is heavy metal music.

What’s on Lyle’s Walkman


Orrin Hull

