Stangengrad - The Gates of Darkon

After emerging from the dungeons leading from the Shadow Rift, the undead hordes overran the city of Stangengrad. It was inevitable. None would be spared.

When the swarming bats converged and the vampires landed, the fate of Falkovnia , or, at least, Stangengrad, was forever sealed. Nothing could be done - - as Drakov’s iron fell beneath the endless inevitability of the dead, the grave that is Darkon expanded, it was then that the mists rolled down the streets and any who lingered without shelter should only join the ranks of the walking corpses.

Decidedly we would seek shelter, but, in the ensuing chaos and our battle weary minds, it was Erathos who, in the face of panic, cunningly recovered a potential key to the trove of mysteries surrounding us - - taking the severed corpse of the sorcerer Solecto and placing the ring of regeneration upon his finger so that he might face our interrogation later.

We took refuge inside the first building from the square to which we could gain admittance and frantically began hammering boards over the doors and windows barricading ourselves from the dead outside.

Though the planks now make it difficult to see to the streets , the sounds are blood curdling, the remorseless dead hunt down the remaining living without mercy or compassion.

I only now begin recovering my composure, I believe Erathos and Brother Akold have brought Solecto upstairs to another room - - I admit we did not even have an opportunity to investigate this structure and what, or who, may already be in here with us.

Even stranger perhaps is that I seem to have forgotten the name of the vampire hunter we rescued from the Shadowrun . . . what’s wrong with me? . . . we’ve known him for decades . . .

More I do not think I can say at the moment . . . I only wonder how we will make it out of this city, nay . . . this land of the dead with our bodies . . . if not our souls intact.

~ Garath the Red, besieged at Stagengrad Fall 773 B.C.


The Journal of Koril Benshay, — Part I


Entering The Shadow Rift